Full accounting
We specialise in so-called full accounting, i.e. bookkeeping and balance sheet preparation1. We also provide accounting services in the international edition for branches of companies or companies with foreign capital. We also serve clients whose financial statements are subject to mandatory audits by statutory auditors.

Tax Income and Expenditure Register
Simplified bookkeeping records kept only on the basis of tax regulations.2 A form of bookkeeping permitted under certain conditions for sole traders, civil partnerships and general partnerships.
PKPiR is not the best form of record-keeping for an entrepreneur, but when combined with tax advice it has certain advantages. Particularly in smaller companies, where the focus is on free cash flow between the business and the owner’s private assets.
We expand the income and expense tax book with additional services, depending on the needs of our clients. Even in this relatively simple documentation, we are able to make numerous improvements, thanks to IT and computers.

Registered lump sum and tax card
Until recently, these were the two relatively simplest forms of tax settlements. In the case of the registered lump sum and the tax card3 , the primary task of an accountant or a tax advisor, prior to the amendments to the regulations in 2020 and 2021, was to indicate a situation in which this form of taxation and record-keeping was to be recommended to the client.

However, from 2022 onwards, once the new regulations come into force, it is no longer possible to opt for tax card taxation (with a transitional period for continuation for those who settled for tax card in 2021).
However, for entrepreneurs on the so-called flat-rate tax (RPE), changes under the so-called ‘Polish Deal’ have made it applicable to many types of income previously not covered by it at all. Many new rates of this tax have also been added. It has thus become more attractive, but at the same time very complicated as a result of these changes. Therefore, from now on, entrepreneurs should rather use the assistance of specialists when settling the flat rate. They can therefore count on our help at the accounting office.
Business activities performed by an individual in person
The liberal professions and certain incomes from, inter alia, sports, the incomes of artists, creators, teachers running schools, scientists, social and political activists, managers, but also many others who simply personally perform certain services for someone in return for remuneration resemble running a ‘sole trader business’. Nevertheless, it is something completely different4.
Business activities performed by an individual in person do not always require business registration – which has an impact on Social Security contributions. Nevertheless, proper accounting for income from this source requires professional bookkeeping supported by tax advice for such clients.
4 See, inter alia, art. 13 of the Personal Income Tax Act of 26-07-1991.